Market Research on Polyvinyl Alcohol Products (I)

Abstract : A comprehensive study on PVA products, including industry background, supply and demand trends, market segmentation and evaluation, and competitiveness analysis, provides decision-making reference for PVA project construction, product program planning and marketing.

Keywords: polyvinyl alcohol market supply and demand market segmentation competitiveness analysis

1 Industry Background and Development

Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a water-soluble high molecular polymer made by alcoholysis polymerization of vinyl acetate (VAM). It has unique properties, good strong adhesiveness, film flexibility, smoothness, Oil resistance, solvent resistance, colloidal protection, gas barrier properties, abrasion resistance, and water resistance with special treatment.

PVA has a wide range of uses. Downstream products include vinylon, paints, adhesives, fiber stocks, paper treating agents, emulsifiers, dispersants, films, medical materials, and construction automotive modified materials. Applications include textiles, food, and pharmaceuticals. , construction, wood processing, papermaking, printing, agriculture, metallurgy and other industries. New products and applications are still under constant development.

The performance of PVA is determined by its degree of polymerization, viscosity, and degree of alcoholysis. In general, the degree of polymerization is directly proportional to the viscosity index. Low-viscosity conventional grades such as 1799, 1899, 1788 are mainly used in downstream products such as emulsifiers, dispersants, fabric slurries, vinylon fibers, etc. High-viscosity grades such as 2099, 2299, 2499, etc. Highly demanding adhesives, cement improvers, architectural coatings, etc.

At present, the development trend of the world PVA industry is to develop at both high and low polarities, that is, the development of highly refined products with high degree of polymerization (high viscosity) and high degree of alcoholysis, and special products with low degree of polymerization and low degree of alcoholysis, the former being high Labeling adhesives, high-strength and high-filament fibers, cement reinforcements and other fields have good performance, while the latter are used for water-soluble adhesives and water-soluble fibers that have special requirements.

The PVA industry in China used Vinylon as the main target consumer market for a long time. In recent years, with the relative shrinkage of Vinylon consumption and the development of industrial applications, PVA non-fiber applications have been developed. A series of major strategic measures launched by the country in recent years to develop the central and western regions, build infrastructure and nurture the construction and real estate industries will effectively promote the further expansion of PVA industry applications. Table 1 shows the applicable fields of PVA product grades and representative brands.

Table 1 Applicable fields of PVA product grades and representative brands

Product grade
Low degree of polymerization (<1000)
The degree of polymerization (1000 ~ 2000)
High degree of polymerization (>2000)
Field of application
Partial alcoholysis (79-89) 0388, 0588, 0888 1088, 1388, 1588, 1788 2088, 2288, 2488 Adhesives, water-soluble adhesives, and water-soluble vinyl alcohol in the label industry Alcoholysis (91-98) 1597, 1797, 1897 , 1592,1792 2297,2897,3097,2092,2492 Textile pulp, coating, etc. Completely alcoholysis (98-99) 0399, 0499, 0599 1099, 1399, 1799A, 1899 2099, 2499, 2899 Paper Enhancer Filler Adhesive, Coatings, high-grade adhesives

2 Market supply and demand pattern

2.1 International Market Pattern

Currently, global PVA producers are concentrated in more than 20 countries and regions, with more than 40 installations, with a total capacity of 1 100 kt/a and a production volume of approximately 930 kt/a. In recent years, the average output has increased at a rate of 3.5%. The world PVA production capacity is shown in Table 2. The world's major PVA manufacturers are shown in Table 3.

Table 2 World PVA Capacity Distribution kt/a

Country and region
United States
Western Europe

Normal align=center>1 100.7


Table 3 The world's major PVA manufacturers kt/a

company name

Normal align=center>1

Japanese Cola

Normal align=center>144

Normal align=center>2

North Korea Shuncheon factory

Normal align=center>100

Normal align=center>3

Sinopec (Shanghai Petrochemical, Sichuan Vinylon Factory)

Normal align=center>96

Normal align=center>4

China Taiwan Changchun Petrochemical

Normal align=center>95

Normal align=center>5

Celanese, United States

Normal align=center>90

Normal align=center>6

Japanese Synthetic Chemistry

Normal align=center>85

Normal align=center>7

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