Dairy packaging develops 4 cores: PET bottles, flexible packaging, small servings, spending on the road...

Millennials are looking for healthy, natural products, and dairy products are often seen as attractive categories. Recent studies have shown that both low-fat and whole-fat dairy products can provide many health benefits, such as preventing and treating diabetes, enhancing bone density, improving memory and overall mental health.
Sponsored by the PMMA (Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Association), the Australian Packaging Machinery Association, the Italian Automatic Packaging and Packaging Machinery Manufacturers, and the Processing and Packaging Machinery Trade Association , the Global Packaging Trends Report 2017 completed by Euromonitor International shows that The increasing popularity of dairy products has become a global phenomenon. In China, per capita dairy product intake has increased by 48% ; sales of plain yogurt alone are expected to reach a compound annual growth rate of 26 % by 2020 , followed by India. This was followed by 16% .
Today, different forms of dairy packaging are actually designed to help brands or companies expand their sales. Previously, milk was mainly packaged in the form of a roof box, and today's portable, friendly PET bottles are a very attractive option for busy consumers.
1. PET bottles for drinking dairy products
Some of the latest listed milk, or other drinking dairy products such as yogurt and Smoothie , mostly use sleek, individually packaged PET bottles that are not only lightweight, shatterproof, but also easy to carry, opening up more new ones. Drinking form or consumption scenario.
Serac , a French liquid filling and blow molding equipment company, said that PET bottles can make brands more easily distinguishable from other competitors. First, PET can be blown into a variety of shapes and sizes, offering more possibilities than cartons, which increases brand awareness. Secondly, compared with high-density polyethylene packaging ( HDPE ), the typical properties of PET can better display the product, which is why the smooth appearance of the PET bottle with UV barrier has a certain relationship with the product quality with extended shelf life. Glass-like transparency is gradually becoming one of the criteria for good fresh milk. Therefore, PET packaging can better open up new market segments for dairy companies.
2 , portable flexible packaging
In the packaging of some dairy products, innovation has been slow, such as cheese products.
Since the large cheese companies like Kraft began using shredded cheese in reusable, open, vertical bags, the soft packaging of dairy products has slowly emerged. This form of packaging not only provides the convenience of resealability but also saves space, thereby attracting more and more middle-income families.
The latest popular soft packaging dairy category is yogurt, especially for children's specialty yogurt products. Due to the need to consider children's consumption and hand-held convenience, some yogurt or smoothie products are often used in vertical bags with suction nozzles, or squeeze tube packaging, such as Foodaily in an earlier article "What kind of dairy snacks? packaging can be able to capture the hearts of consumers, "General mills introduced Yoplait Go Big portable bar mounted yogurt, Bolthouse Farms of Fruit Tubes yogurt snacks.
Of course, adults can also enjoy the convenience and enjoyment of this type of packaged dairy product, such as Arla 's recently introduced Protein Pouches yogurt snack .
3 , the smaller size of the packaging
As more and more people around the world live in crowded city centers, package size is an important consideration.
Large-capacity packaging is more suitable for multi-family consumption, but more and more families, especially in developed countries like the United States, have only one or two people who are looking for some relatively small, individually packaged products. Because of this situation, they no longer have to worry that the food in the large package will spoil because it cannot be eaten quickly, resulting in waste.
Like some vertical cheese products, not only can retailers take up less shelf space on each product, but they also have less storage space in the home refrigerator. Consumers also like this form.
In addition, another important consideration for small packages is weight control. Today, more and more consumers will pay attention to weight management, portable, snack-based independent product forms, and consumers are pursuing a healthy lifestyle.
For example, from the Norwegian company TINE , Jarlsberg Cheese launched a three-quarter ounce package for a cheese product that was previously popular in the US market, targeting a healthy snack with only 70 calories and 5 grams of protein.
The cheese bar products of its popular large cheese products have recently been introduced in the United States. The new product line aims to produce a healthy snack with 5 grams of protein.
4. Solutions for Consumption on the Road
The small package size of dairy products is also consistent with some consumer trends that are on the road, ie, take away. In an increasingly busy social life, how to provide consumers with products that can be easily enjoyed on the way to work or on the road of travel in consideration of consumer demand and convenience will also give dairy brands a certain degree of competitive advantage.
Changes with packaging trends. In an increasingly mobile society, allowing consumers to grab small packages of yoghurt or cottage cheese and become essential in lunch or snacks will give any dairy brand a competitive edge.
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