The concept of health products bottles should be eliminated

Health care products experienced a period of brutal growth in the mid to late 1980s and the beginning of this century. During that period of crazy growth, health care products maintained high profits. With high profits, health care product bottle packaging designs tend to be gifts and high-end consumption scenarios. Therefore, various kinds of luxurious appearance health care products bottles appeared. in the market. Health products bottle gradually out of the nature of the package.

In the past two years, the country’s ban on consumer spending and the health care products consumer market have become increasingly rational. The market profits of health products started to squeeze out bubbles. In this context, health product bottle packaging has gradually begun to return to rationality. For health products bottle packaging, it should first allow it to return to the essence of packaging, abandon the luxury packaging. Secondly, health product bottle packaging should be diversified, according to different consumer groups to design different appearance of health products bottle shape. Finally, personalized customization will also be a direction for future health product bottle packaging.

For health care bottle manufacturers, it is a luxurious appearance route that has taken a long time. Now it is time to change these inherent concepts in order to capture young consumers.

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